As always, there are two sides to the story. What the illegal immigration statistics 2012 do not show you is that the same cost to taxpayers is felt with 13 million Americans on the welfare programs. There is no difference between the burden of welfare recipients and those of illegal immigrants
Making Sense of the Illegal Immigration Statistics 2012
Compared to earlier years, the illegal immigration statistics 2012 are scary. One would think that illegal immigration to the United States would slow down with a down turn in the economy but somehow that doesn’t seem to be the case.
In looking at the illegal immigration statistics 2012 from the Federation for American Immigration Reform we see that it costs us approximately $113 billion in taxes to support some 13 million illegal immigrants.
The numbers of the illegal immigration statistics 2012 further show that 60 percent of the illegal immigrants come from Mexico. 23 percent come from other Latin America countries. And the others come from Canada and Europe. Almost all of these people come here because of economic opportunities.
As always, there are two sides to the story. What the illegal immigration statistics 2012 do not show you is that the same cost to taxpayers is felt with 13 million Americans on the welfare programs. There is no difference between the burden of welfare recipients and those of illegal immigrants. People will say that Americans pay taxes.
Again, the illegal immigration statistics 2012 do not show that illegal immigrants pay just the same taxes as Americans on welfare. They pay sales taxes, property taxes through rent and gasoline taxes just as all other Americans. On top of that, the illegal immigrants are here for a reason, economics, unlike the American welfare recipient.
Their goal is to make a living in a country that provides a far better chance for their survival than their home country. The illegal immigration statistics 2012 do not indicate how many of these illegals are working in jobs that Americans refuse to accept.
It is amazing just how lopsided the illegal immigration statistics 2012 really is. There is no indication what so ever in the numbers that shows how the illegal immigrants actually help society. It doesn’t show how these immigrants pay things like social security but can never collect from the system. It doesn’t show how they pay income taxes but can never collect a refund.
The truth is, the illegal immigration statistics 2012 is one sided to paint a picture of a government created problem in the hopes for a government created solution. If the government would simply get out of the way there wouldn’t be a problem at all.
Want a solution to the problem. According to the illegal immigration statistics 2012, the real problem is the burden on the tax payers. That is a piece of cake to handle. Just get rid of all the programs that are being targeted.
Not only will it save the money because illegals will be off the public dole, as reported by the illegal immigration statistics 2012, but so will the American welfare recipients. That means we can save twice as much money while solving a single problem. Sort of like killing two birds with one stone.